In the days gone by, organizations used to implement their CMMS solutions through an onsite function under their IT infrastructure. However, the launch of web-based or cloud-based CMMS software options has made it possible to maintain your CMMS requirements without setting up and configuring a system at your facility.
How beneficial would the web-based CMMS technology be from an organization’s point of view? Let us check out a few advantages of the web or cloud-based CMMS tools.
Regarding functionality and features, the web-based CMMS software offers you the same degree of perfection, but you also stand to gain a whole lot of advantages. Let us pinpoint a few of them in today’s post.
A Faster Setup
Compared to the traditional mode of CMMS implementation, web-based CMMS is easy to set up. It would not take more than 60 seconds to configure under ideal conditions. You will get access to your CMMS as soon as you register. You never need to wait to configure or install the software; all the tasks are handled automatically over the cloud.
A 24 x 7 Monitoring
The onsite CMMS software will make you wait till the IT experts arrive in case of a server crash. In the case of the web-based CMMS, your applications are located inside the servers that can be monitored around the clock. This will ensure that your servers and applications return to normalcy immediately. No more waiting.
Regular Updates
Keeping your software updated is the need of the hour. This will help you make use of the newer features and functionalities. Regular updates also help you keep the malware and other vulnerabilities away. Web-based CMMS tools are designed to provide the best results regarding software updates at regular updates. You will have the latest software without the need to spend anything extra.
Reduced Costs
Compared to the onsite CMMS software, web-based CMMS tools would be less costly. In fact, the onsite option will require a separate IT department to handle the tasks involved in managing the day-to-day activities. Web-based CMMS software does not require you to incur any of these costs. Of course, they work under the subscription model, but the prices will be substantially lower.
Are you planning to upgrade to a new CMMS software? It would indeed be a practically viable solution for most of your needs. It offers several distinct advantages and cost savings compared to the conventional CMMS options. High-end mobility and reduced costs are the two features that should ideally favor the web-based options.
Choose an ideal web-based tool for your requirements and go with the best tool that offers the best of both worlds. You will definitely find your assessment moving to the next stage.